6/10/2017: Ireland Vacation 2017 photos and video are up!
10/2/2016: Iceland 2016 photos and video posted
9/30/2016: India Vacation and Mikrish and Swati's Wedding posted.
9/26/2015: Video and photos from our great trip to Europe have been posted. Oktoberfest!
- Updated 8/21/15 with Los Angeles Video
- Updated 7/25/15 with more photos
7/24/15: Photos from Los Angeles trip added (will be updated with more photos and likely video later).
- Updated 7/25/15 with more photos
7/24/15: Photos from Los Angeles trip added (will be updated with more photos and likely video later).
3/26/15: Zach and Dana Poole Wedding photos. This wedding was beautiful and a blast.
2/20/15: Fun with Fire!
1/26/15: Photo album for Ryan's Housewarming Party created.
12/22/14: Christmas 2014 page up.
12/4/14: New astrophotography photos, light painting and other random DLSR camera fun posted.
11/03/14: New photos and video added for our trip to NYC (July, 2014).
11/03/14: New panoramas, selfies, and other iPhone photos from our Iceland trip added in the Iceland, 2014 section.
10/22/14: New photos and video for our trip to San Diego, California (October, 2014) posted.
10/4/14: New Iceland vacation video posted to Iceland Vacation Page